The Striker can hold its own when it comes to defense and can’t easily be taken down. You like having good damage and a sturdy defense.

With the right rotations and, the clear speed of a Striker is considerably quicker than any other class in BDO so as long as you keep the mobs small-scale as a Striker would have a bit of an issue if the numbers increase. One of the classes with the highest damage output, the Striker will make quick work of anything when it comes to PvE. Striker is quite new-player friendly in all aspects but a little tricky for re-rolling players, either way, the Striker holds considerable merit in the PvE field. StrikerĪ pure damage class which specializes in martial arts, the Striker is stunning in numbers when it comes to short bursts of damage which helps as this class can also be considered as a semi-tank. Photo: Black Desert Online Official Website 2. "Ready for the next quest, the next strike!" You’re the type of player who likes “fast clears” as the witch/wizard can go through PvE grinding spots quite quickly.The witch/wizard is actually more than balanced, which makes them quite dangerous in the battlefield. You like a certain “balance” of damage and support.The witch/wizard class has a considerably good skill set especially when they hit their awakening or succession form. You prefer ranged and elemental attacks.

The witch/wizard comes with a myriad of buffs and heals, making the class best for solo grinding as they’re well-suited for standalone gaming, requiring almost no help from other players.The AoE range of a witch/wizard’s spells are considerably wide and can quickly eliminate mobs depending on which spot you grind at.The witch/wizard’s early skillset is already meant for PvE and comes with a significant amount of damage right away.A Witch/Wizard can finish the entirety of BDO’s main questline without a guild or party and can probably go on with end-game content on a solo basis due to how the class was built Witch/WizardĪ great class right off the bat, the Witch and Wizard classes are on a whole new level all on its own due its mobility, DPS numbers, a myriad of healing skills, and a handful of reliable buffs. Though BDO is much more enjoyable with friends, there are still a considerable amount of players who prefer to walk the world on their own and do everything solo. From PvP, PvE, gear hunting, and life skills BDO has a lot to offer when it comes to keeping their players busy running around the fields as Pearl Abyss doles out weekly (every Wednesday!) updates to keep the game and its patrons occupied for months, if not years to come. I like to think that Black Desert Online’s main focus would be end-game content.